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1.) I've heard about opportunities like this. Are they scams or pyramid schemes?
No. Pyramid schemes and scams are illegal. The Federal Trade Commission shuts down any illegal businesses or businesses with illegal practices. In a pyramid scheme there are no tangible products and the newest member can never out-earn existing members. In Efusjon, there are real, tangible, healthy products and anyone can out-earn anyone.
2.) How much money can I make and how fast can I make it?
There is no limit to how much you can make. There's no cap. The difference between making $100 per month and making $50,000 or more per month is all up to you and how seriously you take this. People break even and reach different earnings at different levels at different times. There's no straight-forward answer unfortunately. You can make thousands of dollars per month in a few weeks (or less) and another person might take months (or more) to reach a few hundred dollars a month. Doing nothing or very little will probably earn you nothing or very little. Doing a lot of work will probably earn you a lot of money. It's all on you, which is very comforting to a lot of hard-working people! The more people you show the products to and this opportunity to, and the bigger you build your network of these people, the more you will make.
3.) How can one company pay out so much money for simply sharing products?
4.) How does Efusjon keep track of people I talk to and share Efusjon with?
Efusjon knows that word-of-mouth advertising is the best form of advertising out there: A friend recommends something to you, and you're much more likely to go buy or try it than if you'd seen it on a commercial or billboard. But your friend won't get a dime from those companies even though they were the one who got you to be a customer of that company. No company wants to pay people for recommending their products to their friends, but every company wants people talking about their products. Efusjon gives people the chance to be customers of their products and while they're recommending them, to get paid for it too. The more people that try Efusjon products as a result of your efforts, the more of Efusjon's multi-million dollar budget will go to you! Work a lot, earn a lot.
Everything is online and electronic. Efusjon rewards people for sharing products they use everyday with other people. When those people decide to buy or try those products, they reward the person who recommended it to them. The people you refer to Efusjon sign up as customers or executive under you through a free website given to you upon signing up and ordering your product. Anyone that is referred to Efusjon by people you referred counts as credit for you. By building a network of people, like a spiderweb that branches off and grows, you get paid more and more because without you, those people would've never been Efusjon customers.
5.) How much time is needed to be successful?
It's all up to you. You are your own boss, which can be very satisfying and convenient! As a result you make your own schedule to allocate any time for growing your Efusjon business. However, this isn't supposed to be like a normal job where you set aside monotonous hours slaving away. Since Efusjon is all about sharing a product, it can be easy to implement this into your daily life. Do you talk to friends, family, or co-workers on a weekly basis? If so, you can easily fit this into your schedule. It's supposed to be fun, too! Sharing with friends means they may become partners with you, making your efforts easier and much more fun as well. This is supposed to be no more than a part-time hours opportunity. Of course, a lot of effort and time will most likely mean more progress and hence more earnings, but there is no formula for success or running your own business.
6.) That sounds difficult. What if I don't have enough time for this?
7.) Are there contracts, quotas, or obligations?
You have to decide if working less than part-time hours building your network of friends to earn income that lasts for the rest of your life even if you stop working is worth it to you or not. This is supposed to change your life and get you out of the rut that the economy and our job society has put you in. You only have 24 hours in a day, it's all up to you to decide how you spend them. People who are going to school, have internships, jobs, and a social life to balance are able to find a few minutes each day to bring Efusjon up and grow their business. To some it may be a sacrifice, but you have to decide if it's worth a few years of some extra work on the side. Waiting a while when your schedule clears up is always a viable option, however, time can play a huge factor in success.
8.) How much is it to get started?
Absolutely none. You work at your own pace on your own time. Your earnings are dictated by how hard you work. You can stop working for Efusjon at any time by calling in or going online and cancelling your product delivery.
The only cost of being an Efusjon executive capable of earning profits is buying a product you already use daily. Which product you decide to start promoting and consuming are completely up to you. The minimum requirement to stay an executive is four 12 packs per month, which is 48 cans, and comes out to be about $140 before shipping. These cans cost no more than a Redbull, Monster, or Rockstar Energy can be freely consumed or shared at your discretion. Spend money on something you buy anyways to earn money!
9.) That seems pricey, what if I don't have enough money to get started?
We're serious about making Efusjon a source of long-term income and always say if you cannot afford monthly orders of Efusjon then that's another reason to do Efusjon! If working your current job doesnt let you afford to spend an extra $150 then what makes you think you'll ever be able to live differently if you never make a change? You just have to decide if it's worth it to you or not to scrape together extra cash every month or sell some of your possessions to be able to earn thousands, or even more every month down the road without a boss and on your own time.
10.) I know I can make this work for me, how do I get started?
Great! We're glad you see that only by doing something different can you ever get anything different out of life. Efusjon is just one of those different methods and we're glad you want to join a proven system with like-minded people to gain an income that can last you for the rest of your life. Click the link below to send us an email and we'll get you signed up with a team and give you the tools to be successful! If a friend specifically recommended you here, check back with them and they will give you the steps to start working together! Welcome to Efusjon!
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