More than one thing sets efusjon apart from its competition—not the least of which is healthy energy. In fact, very few of the energy drinks sold today are actually beneficial for consumers. And that has become a huge concern.
It is no question Efusjon has unique products. Starting with the world's healthiest energy drink product line, and venturing into high quality protein, efusjon has positioned itself directly in from of the first trillion dollar industry: Health and Wellness. What is even more remarkable is the way Efusjon markets their great products. Instead of investing millions or even billions of dollars into typical advertising campaigns as most companies do, they save those dollars and invest them into their own consumers. The reason they do this is because word of mouth advertising is the most powerful form of advertisement that ever existed.
Efusjon pays us to do what we do every day anyway which is drink energy drinks and protein and share it with our friends. This movement is gaining traction, especially within the millenial generation, because they are the most socially connected generation in human history. It is not a question of if this works or not, that has already been proven. The only question is are you willing to make it work?